God mode helper

How to fix Unidentified Network in Windows

Damien • 2 years ago

I have had the same problem and spent days scouring Google and trying any suggestion that I could find. Last night I found a post from 2002. It seemed ridiculous but I gave it a shot. PROBLEM SOLVED.

1.) Shut dowm your PC.
2.) Unplug the power cord.
3.) If you have a laptop, remove the battery as well.
4.) Walk away from the problem for at least 30 minutes.
5.) When you return, reconnect battery and power cord.
5.) Start as usual.
6.) If this solves the problem, take 20 minutes and post this to all of those message boards that you didn't find the solution to.

This fix appears to work for any OS/MOBO/NIC.

What causes it? I don't know.


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